Reinvigorate: Strengthening the Role of the Dominican Laity in Preaching the Gospel

On July 6, 2024, the Dominican Province of the Philippines and the University of Santo Tomás in Manila hosted “Reinvigorate: Strengthening the Role of the Dominican Laity in Preaching the Gospel”, a national congress for the Dominican Laity, with keynote speakers fr. Jamshed Gill, OP, Socius for Asia-Pacific, and fr. Cristóbal Torres Iglesias, OP, General Promoter for the Dominican Laity.

Fr. Jamshed contextualized data about the Dominican Laity in the Asia-Pacific region, and fr. Cristóbal presented on the rich diversity and broad social impact of the preaching and ministry of the Dominican Laity throughout the world. 550 Lay Dominicans were in attendance, representing Lay Fraternities from throughout the regions of the Province of the Philippines, as well as the Vicariate of the Philippines of the Holy Rosary Province. There were also virtual participants from Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
