The Promoter General for the Laity Visits Fraternities of the Province of St. Joseph in the United States

Brother Cristóbal Torres, OP, General Promoter for the Laity, and Mrs Kathy Kendrek, OP, President of the Dominican Laity of the Province of St Joseph in the United States, toured St Joseph’s Province 3 – 10 June, visiting some of the many, diverse Lay Fraternities in the province. 

Mrs Kendrek and Br Cristóbal began on 3 June in Middletown, NY, meeting with members of the Most Holy Rosary Fraternity at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, the group’s regular gathering place. On 4 June, they continued on to Syracuse, NY where they met with the St Louis Bertrand Fraternity. On June 5th, Br Cristóbal and Mrs Kendrek met with Mr Michael Seagriff, OP, a member of St Louis Bertrand Fraternity involved in the editing and publishing of Godhead Here in Hiding, Whom I Do Adore, a collection of reflections on Eucharistic adoration authored by the laity of the province. 

The next visit was with members of the Mother of God Fraternity, based at Mother of God Dominican Monastery in West Springfield, MA. On 6 June, Br Cristóbal and Mrs Kendrek had dinner and conversation with members of the Our Lady of Providence/St Thomas Aquinas Fraternity affiliated with Providence College. The tour ended on 10 June in Baltimore, MD, where Mrs Kendrek and Br Cristóbal met with Joy of the Just Fraternity at Saints Philip and James Parish.